Is Polish „obcy” for you?

As we know, the Polish syntax is really loose. We can put words in any order and it will probably be correct: „Poszedłem wczoraj do kina”, „Wczoraj poszedłem do kina”, „Poszedłem do kina wczoraj”, „Wczoraj do kina poszedłem”, „Do kina poszedłem wczoraj”, „Do kina wczoraj poszedłem” — all of them make perfect sense (only the accent of each sentence is different).


In English we always put the adjective before the noun. If we change the order, we often receive a totally different thing — „a magic strawberry” is a strawberry which is magic, while „strawberry magic” is some magic connected with strawberries. Does the same thing occur in Polish?

No. And yes. Why „no”? Sentences „Mam małe dziecko” i „Mam dziecko małe” are equal. We changed the order and nothing happened (only the second sentence is a bit weird — but acceptable).

Why „yes” then? Well, in some situations such a change of the order changes the meaning. But only a little. The change isn’t as obvious as in English. I’m repeating: it has its influence only in some situations, not in all of them.

Let’s take an expression which you probably know — „język obcy”. Why „obcy” goes as the second? Why do the Polish ask „Jakie języki obce znasz?”, why do we say „Znam dużo języków obcych„, „Angielski to mój ulubiony język obcy„, „Szkoła języków obcych„?

„Język obcy” means „a language from abroad”, „a language which is not my native one”. So we learn języki obce. On the other hand there’s „obcy język”. „Obcy język” is just some language which is not known, which is unknown and strange. So, I, as an English speaker, can say: „Język angielski jest dla mnie językiem obcym, ale nie jest dla mnie obcym językiem”. It means „English language is a foreign language for me but is not an unknown language for me”. Is it clear?

There are other examples: „bułka słodka” („sweet bun”) is a synonym of „drożdżówka”, while „słodka bułka” is just some bun which is sweet (if you take a regular bun and put some sugar on it, you receive a słodka bułka). „Autobus pospieszny” is this type of bus which reaches its destination faster than the regular one. „Pospieszny autobus” — just some bus which goes fast, which is in a hurry (and we don’t use this expression). „Irlandia Północna” is the name of the country (Northern Ireland), while „północna Irlandia” is just the northern part of Ireland. „Dworzec autobusowy” — „bus station”. „Autobusowy dworzec” is just some station connected somehow with buses. Maybe it has a shape of a bus. Maybe it was build by a man whose surname is Autobus. It may generally mean anything. And again — we don’t use this phrase.

More, without explaining: szkoła podstawowa, las liściasty, Park Zachodni, gitara akustyczna, kot perski, gra planszowa, plac Czerwony, tort urodzinowy, mleko tłuste, hotel pięciogwiazdkowy, funkcja liniowa, Droga Mleczna, telewizor plazmowy, chemia organiczna, pałac królewski, walc angielski.

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