Have you ever been to a Polish birthday party or a Polish wedding? If not, you will have a chance to learn some songs which are obligatory on such an occasion. If yes, in a few minutes you will find out what exactly they are about.
Listen to my audiolog which is in Polish but you should understand it when you are on lower-intermediate level. The most difficult phrases can be found below the video.
Imieniny — a name day.
Wesele — the party after the wedding.
Zasada — a rule.
Pomyślność — something between good fortune and success.
To leci tak — it goes like this.
Wersja — a version.
Gwiazda — a star.
Gasnąć — to go out (like a star).
Świecić — to shine.
Skrywać się, chować się — to hide (one’s self).
Zasnąć — to fall asleep.
Odpisać — to write back.
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